Elastic Path Commerce Cloud Changelog - 2022

For product updates, use this changelog. Elastic Path does not publish separate release notes for Elastic Path Commerce Cloud.


December 19, 2022

MAJOR When duplicating hierarchies using Duplicate a Hierarchy endpoint, you can now use the include_products attribute to specify whether you want products associated with the nodes in an existing hierarchy to be associated with the nodes in the duplicated hierarchy. This is useful because you do not have to re-associate all your products with the duplicated hierarchy. For more information, see Duplicate a Hierarchy.

December 15, 2022

MAJOR Commerce Manager: You can add time schedule to catalog rules. For more information, see Add schedule to catalog rules.

December 8, 2022

MINOR In Commerce Manager: In Filters, you can now use list in the SKU filter that enables you to filter your product list by specifing a list of SKUs. Only the products whose SKUS you have specified are shown. For more information, see Filtering Products.

MAJOR The new Integrations Hub in Commerce Manager is now available. Integrations allows you to integrate with third-party providers, such as site search integrations and Email and SMS. The following integrations are currently available:

November 24, 2022

MINOR On November 24th, 2022, we deprecated the shipping_name and billing_name fields for filtering orders. For more information, see Filtering.

November 11, 2022

MAJOR You can use the Export API to export products in bulk. For more information, see Export PXM Products.

November 8, 2022

MAJOR You can dissociate products from multiple hierarchies and their children nodes. For more information, see Dissociate Multiple Products.

MAJOR Commerce Manager: You can assign products to multiple hierarchies and their children nodes. See EP PXM Products Hierarchy and Assign Products to Multiple Nodes.

MAJOR You can perform a bulk product update using the Import EP PXM Products endpoint. For more information, see Bulk EP PXM Product Update.

October 28, 2022

MAJOR Commerce Manager: You can read and update TTL for personal data logs for a store, see Viewing and changing TTL settings.

October 27, 2022

MINOR In Commerce Manager: Filter query parameters are now available in the URL. Bookmark your filter URL to automatically activate that filter without having to reapply the filter each time. For more information, see Filtering Products.

October 26, 2022

MINOR In Commerce Manager:

  • Moved Settings option to Settings > Store Settings section.
  • Renamed Settings > Store Settings to Settings > Store Settings > General Settings. For more information, see Store Details Settings.

MINOR You can now include and exclude products from a promotion based on their attributes for the following promotion types:

Additionally, in Commerce Manager, we have included:

  • New Attributes condition type in Add exclude > Condition Type section to exclude products from a promotion based on their attributes.
  • New Attributes condition type in Add Promotion Condition > Condition Type section to include products in a promotion based on their attributes.

For more information, see Creating Item-level Promotions.

October 18, 2022

MINOR The bundle_configuation object was misspelled in the cart, cart items, and order items. Therefore, on October 18, 2022, we have deprecated bundle_configuation and recommend that you use bundle_configuration to create a bundle configuration. See Carts.

October 12, 2022

MAJOR You can now create Application Keys, which are tied to the actual store instead of a user. This is helpful in avoiding scenarios like when a user in your organization leaves, then their user-specific keys leave with them. For more information, see Application Keys.

  • Additionally, we have moved all keys and credentials to Settings > Application Keys section in Commerce Manager. For more information, see Creating an Application Key.

MINOR Commerce Manager: A new External Reference field allows you to store another unique ID with your PXM product. This could be a unique ID from another company system, for example. See Configuring Products in Product Experience Manager.

MINOR Commerce Manager: When searching for products in Product Experience Manager > Products, you can now search on DescriptionUPC/EAN and, MPN. This is in addition to SlugSKU and, Name. See Configuring Products in Product Experience Manager.

September 28, 2022

MINOR You can now exclude products from a promotion based on their attributes from cart-level promotions. For more information, see Create a Cart Fixed Discount Promotion and Create a Cart Percent Discount Promotion.

MINOR Commerce Manager: New Attributes condition type in Add exclude > Condition Type field allows you to exclude products from a promotion based on their attributes from cart-level promotions. For more information, see Creating Cart-level Promotions.

MINOR You can now see created_by and updated_by attributes to track changes made to a promotion in your store. For more information, see Promotions.

MINOR You can use eq operator to search promotions using promotion codes. For more information, see Filtering with v2/promotions and Get all Promotions.

September 16, 2022

MINOR Commerce Manager: New is and is like search operators are available in Product Experience Manager > Products. For more information, see Searching Products by Product Name, SKU and, Slug.

September 15, 2022

MINOR You can now pay using Stripe Payment Element. For more information, see Elastic Path Payments Powered by Stripe.

MINOR You can now void an authorization when an order with one payment transaction is in an authorized state. You can also void or cancel a payment if the order is cancelled.

September 12, 2022

MINOR Commerce Manager: A new Hide Empty Template Fields toggle allows you to hide an attribute in your published catalog if no data has been set for the field. See Product Template Attributes.

MINOR Commerce Manager:

September 9, 2022

MINOR The in operator is now supported when filtering on Get all files endpoint. You can return a batch of specific files in a single request. For more information, see Get All Files.

September 8, 2022

MAJOR A new Get a Product's Children endpoint retrieves a list of child products from a base product for a specified product and catalog release. For more information, see Get a Product's Children.

September 7, 2022

MINOR New bread_crumb_node metadata in a catalog enables you to see the nodes that product and nodes are associated with. For more information, see Catalogs.

MINOR Fixed a bug where promotions were not applied when the currency of the item or cart does not match the currency of the promotion. When you apply the promotion, you will now get a promotion message indicating the currency mismatch. In this case, the promotion with the mismatched currency will be skipped, and any other applicable promotions will be applied. For more information, see Add Promotion to Cart.

August 25, 2022

MAJOR Commerce Manager: You can now manage catalog releases from Catalogs > Edit Catalog. For more information, see Editing Catalogs.

MINOR Fixed a bug where promotions to carts were applied even when start date of the promotions was in the future.

MINOR You can now see price without discounted amount and all the discounts applied in the meta object in carts and order items. You can also see the promotion id generated for the promotion. For more information, see Cart Items and Order Items.

August 17, 2022

MAJOR New dynamic bundles allow your shoppers to choose their own options in a bundle. For more information, see Dynamic Bundles.

MAJOR Commerce Manager: New dynamic bundles allow your shoppers to choose their own options in a bundle. For more information, see Create Bundles.

MAJOR You can now cancel or void a pending transaction. For more information, see Cancel a Transaction.

MAJOR You can now add exclude options under the schema object to exclude nodes and product SKUs for the following promotion types:

MAJOR You can now define target_nodes under the schema object to include nodes for the promotion for Create X for Y Discount Promotion and Create X for Amount Discount Promotion.

August 11, 2022

MINOR Commerce Manager: A new Accounts field allows you to select the account names of accounts eligible to view your catalogs. When a user has logged in with the account, they see the configured catalog. See Catalog Rules.

August 10, 2022

MINOR Commerce Manager: You may have products with multiple templates, with each template having multiple attributes. A new Hide Empty Fields toggle allows you to only see the fields that have values set.

August 3, 2022

MINOR A new external_ref attribute allows you to store another unique ID with your PXM product. This could be a unique ID from another company system, for example. See Create a product.

August 2, 2022

MAJOR payflow_express and paypal_express endpoints are no longer supported. We recommend to use PayPal Express Checkout gateway. For more information, see Configure PayPal Express Checkout and PayPal Express Checkout Payments.

July 26, 2022

MINOR You can now forward some additional parameters to your Identity Provider via the authorization endpoint. For more information, see Single sign-on with OpenID Connect.

July 21, 2022

MAJOR You can now add exclude options under the schema object to exclude nodes and product SKUs for the following promotion types:

MAJOR You can now define target_nodes under the schema object to include nodes for the promotion for Create Fixed Discount Promotion for items and Create Item Percent Discount Promotions.

MAJOR Added endpoints that allow to read and write Time-to-live (TTL) settings for logs. For more information, see Logs Time-to-live (TTL) Settings.

July 19, 2022

MAJOR You can now see the differences between the latest 2 catalog releases. See Publish a catalog.

MINOR You can now get multiple stocks using implicit token. For more information, see Get Multiple Stocks.

July 13, 2022

MAJOR Split Payments (Beta Release) are now available. For more information, see:

MAJOR You can now add amount and paymentmethod_meta as optional fields for the payment methods. See Manual Payments.

MAJOR You can now include or exclude variation options when building your child products. See Build child products.

July 11, 2022

MAJOR A new custom_inputs attribute allows you to add personalized or custom text to a product that can be displayed in your storefront. For more information, see create a product.

MAJOR A new custom_inputs attribute allows your shoppers to add personalized text to products when adding items to a cart. For more information, see Carts.

July 6, 2022

MAJOR A new product import API is available that allows you to manage and upload your product data. For more information, see Import PXM Products.

MAJOR Commerce Manager: You can now manage and upload your product data from Commerce Manager. For more information, see Importing Products.

June 29, 2022

MAJOR Integration events for newly created integrations are now processed concurrently. See Integrations.

June 27, 2022

MAJOR You can now use the erasure requests functionality to automatically erase personal data. For more information, see:

June 22, 2022

MAJOR Commerce Manager: You can now onboard PayPal Express Checkout from Commerce Manager. For more information, see Onboarding PayPal Express Checkout.

MINOR Commerce Manager: You can now set required fields for addresses from Commerce Manager. For more information, see Updating Address Form Settings.

June 9, 2022

MAJOR Commerce Manager: You can search on partial product name, SKU in Products, see Searching Products by Product Name, SKU and, Slug.

June 8, 2022

MAJOR Added region field to addresses. You can now set required fields for addresses using settings mandatory address fields

MAJOR You can now use sort_order to sort parent nodes in a hierarchy when creating and updating nodes. For more information, see Create a hierarchy and Update a hierarchy.

MAJOR Commerce Manager: You can now duplicate hierarchies if you have multiple hierarchies with a similar node structure. See Product Hierarchy Configurations.

MINOR Commerce Manager: You can now send and receive events in CloudEvents format. See Integrations.

MINOR Commerce Manager: You can now configure webhooks for addresses. See Integrations.

MINOR Commerce Manager: You can now see the date and time your products are created and updated in Products. See Creating Products.

June 2, 2022

MINOR You can now use target_catalogs to apply promotions to catalogs. For more information, see Promotions.

May 31, 2022

MINOR You can now extend the account-members entity with core flows.

May 30, 2022

MINOR You can use the valid x-moltin-customer-token to access a specific customer order.

May 26, 2022

MAJOR You can now sort your hierarchies so that they are displayed in the order that you want in your catalogs. For more information, see Update a catalog.

MAJOR Price book stacking allows you to create multiple price books. When creating a catalog you can assign a priority to your price books so that product prices are displayed according to the priority of the price books. See Create a catalog.

MAJOR You can now manage Personal Data within Elastic Path. Log entries are now being captured for any personal data as well as related personal data. For more information, see:

MAJOR Commerce Manager: You can use price modifiers to change the prices of your child products. See Creating price modifiers.

MINOR Commerce Manager: When viewing an order, you can now click a product name to view the product details. See Orders.

MINOR Commerce Manager: New Total Orders and Total Value of All Orders fields and improved layout available in Analytics. See Analytics.

MINOR Commerce Manager: The Rename store field is now moved to Settings > Store Settings page. For more information, see Renaming a Store.

May 19, 2022

Minor You can now add catalog_id and catalog_source to cart and order data. See Cart Items and Order Items.

May 12, 2022

MAJOR Commerce Manager: You can now use custom product locales created using Create a product in Commerce Manager. See Configuring Locales.

May 10, 2022

MAJOR Added Elastic Path payments powered by Stripe payment method. For more information, see Configure Elastic Path Payments Powered by Stripe and Elastic Path Payments Powered by Stripe. You can also use Elastic Path payments powered by Stripe in Commerce Manager.

MINOR Added support for PayPal optional parameters.

May 3, 2022

MAJOR Added PayPal Express Checkout payment method. For more information, see PayPal Express Checkout and PayPal Express Checkout Payments. You can also use PayPal Express Checkout in Commerce Manager.

MAJOR Commerce Manager: You can now localize your product names and descriptions. See Configuring Locales.

MAJOR Commerce Manager: WYSIWYG visual editor added to the description field for products. See Adding Product Details.

MAJOR Commerce Manager: Locale settings added to Settings -> Locales. See Locales.

MINOR Commerce Manager: Variation selection improvement when adding variations to a product. We now have paginated results on variation listing in the product association screen.

MINOR Commerce Manager: UI Improvement. Sale Price Start and End date no longer autofills when adding a new sale price to a product.

May 1, 2022

MAJOR You can now filter your products on custom attributes (flows). See EP PXM Catalogs API.

MAJOR You can now see the parent nodes a product is associated with in a catalog. See Get all Products.

April 21, 2022

MAJOR Commerce Manager: You can use store analytics, including total orders made and total value of orders, over a period of time that you select.

MAJOR Commerce Manager: You can search on partial SKU in Products, see Searching Products by SKU.

MAJOR Commerce Manager: You can create product descriptions with rich text formatting.

MINOR Commerce Manager: You can sort nodes by dragging and dropping them.

April 1, 2022

MAJOR You can now increment and decrement the prices of your child products. See Modifiers Overview.

MAJOR You can now use include=component_products to get more information about the products in a product bundle. See Includes.

March 31, 2022

MINOR Removed the store owner role from Commerce Manager. A store owner was a permanent seller admin in each store. You can now remove or change the role of former store owners. Functional and feature access for former store owners have not changed.

March 22, 2022

MINOR Removed the Store ID field from the Commerce Manager home page. The Store UUID field has been renamed to Store ID. Use this value to open a support ticket.

March 7, 2022

MINOR Added purchase as an option to support Manual Payments. For more information, see Manual Payments.

March 4, 2022

MINOR Files Service Refactor:

  • Improved performance of the files service.
  • Added supported and supported file types, see Create a File

MAJOR Hierarchy Node Sorting: You can now specify sort order for child nodes within a hierarchy. The default sort order is in the descending order of the updated_at time, see Create a hierarchy node.

March 3, 2022

MAJOR Commerce Manager: You can now use Product Bundles in Commerce Manager.

MAJOR Commerce Manager: You can now cancel an unfulfilled order in Commerce Manager. For more information, see the Cancelling an Order section.

March 1, 2022

MAJOR You can now integrate Elastic Path Commerce Cloud with your other company systems using message queuing services that support the Message Simple Text Orientated Messaging Protocol (STOMP), for example, Amazon MQ. See Integrations.

MINOR Added cancelled state to the order status. You can now update the status of an unfulfilled order to cancelled. For more information, see the Cancel an Order by ID section.

February 22, 2022

Bug Fix Commerce Manager: Fixed a bug where users got an authentication loop after a failed authentication.

MINOR Commerce Manager: Users can now filter the accounts list by account name in Account Management.

Bug Fix Commerce Manager: Fixed a bug where an image uploader breaks when user attempts to type in a URL.

MINOR Commerce Manager: Added cart expiration in settings.

February 17, 2022

MINOR Account Management APIs are no longer in beta. You can now remove account-management and account-authentication-settings from the Beta Header and use the APIs in production environment. For more information, see Account Management.

February 10, 2022

MAJOR Commerce Manager: You can now view promotion history in Commerce Manager.

February 7, 2022

MINOR Commerce Manager: You can now select usage limit type and maximum uses when bulk generating promotion codes.

MINOR Commerce Manager: You can now use pagination to navigate through store list when you have more than 50 stores.

MINOR Commerce Manager: Improved authentication error message for invalid credentials.

MINOR Commerce Manager: Updated the warning message that appears when you try to update an attribute after deleting the template associated with the attribute.

MINOR Commerce Manager: You can now paginate through inventory management log.

January 18, 2022

MINOR You can now view and replicate previous orders.

MINOR Global table updates for expanded and compact row views.

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